and make remote work the best strategy for the operability of your company.
Do you want the ABC of practices that will minimize the risk of Ransomware attacks?
We’re Tecnoraid Corporation S.A,
IT consultancy, and we’re here to bring you the best technological solution for the needs of your company and contribute with your growing, automation and availability of your platform, besides counting with the safety of your most valuable asset: information.
This is what our clients say about our services:

The work with Tecnoraid has been very satisfactory in terms of response time, execution and costs, the latter being adjusted to the economic reality of the country.
After the completion of the projects, the follow-up and support is one of the best experiences.
With the solutions implemented, it has been possible to generate expeditious controls thanks to the advice according to the request and requirements of the company, in addition to offering a plus in the solutions, something that can only be achieved with knowledge, this drives me to have Tecnoraid as my head advisor in the IT area.
Ing. Albir Gudiño
Systems manager

At Veconinter, we have worked with Tecnoraid for approximately five years now, they advise us on perimeter security with Fortinet, Switch CISCO and SO Windows Servers. They attain and commit to a high level of professionalism.
Their technical expertise and response time in their specializations are beyond what it’s normally expected, joining in work meetings with other providers, such as telecom companies. Always giving the support that is needed and committing to fix the issue.
If you’re looking for an ally to your business, we highly recommend Tecnoraid.
Juan Carlos Suarez
Technology Manager

ATRIO INSURANCE A.S have been working in the growing and maintenance of its technological infrastructure since its foundation in 2014, we have counted with the support of the staff from Tecnoraid Company during eight years now, working together from the beginning on the infrastructure, telecommunications, technical support and now with our cybersecurity.
One of the perks of working with Tecnoraid, is the amazing response time skills, the quality of their services, fellowship and their prices.
In recent months, we had some with our LAN/WAN red service, the consultancy companies with worked with at the moment didn’t detect the real problem, but Tecnoraid did. With the support of Fortinet from USA, they helped us to identify and determine that the issue was focused on the configuration of the link to our new ISP provider.
Pedro Baptista
Technology Manager ATRIO INSURANCE.

We have worked with Tecnoraid for four years now, the experience with them has been one of the most satisfactory thanks to their abilities, commitment to support in high level projects with professionalism. We have worked together in several projects where Tecnoraid accomplished all the goals. Among these projects, we can mention the migration of platform of perimeter security exchanging our old firewall by a new technology, restructuration of the LAN/WAN red moving our business core from its datacenter, and the migration of Cloud e-mail from G-SUITE to our current platform.
We found the after-sales service outstanding, after satisfactorily executing all the projects, their support was more than efficient.
Asdrubal Quevedo
Project Manager

Tecnoraid Corporation has supported us giving us advice about technological topics at our business, accompanying us with proactive and preventive solutions to optimize our services. They’re a capable and hardworking staff that had proven they’re knowledge in topics related to perimeter security, endpoint security, cybersecurity concepts, WiFi technology and network segmentation with Cisco technology. On the other hand, they’ve helped us with Windows operating systems, e-mail servers on Exchange Server, among others. Anytime we have a situation we ask Tecnoraid for advice trusting their reliability and commitment to fix it. We greatly recommend you to consider Tecnoraid your technological ally.
Ing. Vladimir Sanchez
Technology Manager

We have been working with Tecnoraid since 2014, we were having lots of trouble with our network and services, thus we decided to let them have the full lead of our technological infrastructure, and it has been the best decision so far. We were able to stabilize our platform, improve our processes, and optimize our perimeter security and endpoint. Our contingent backup is now clearer. This is why we keep going on with our outsourced TI department along with Tecnoraid, which allows us to focus only on our business. We greatly recommend Tecnoraid for having the best qualified and professional staff and an excellent price-performance ratio.
Gustavo Camejo
General Manager

At Distributor Mar Fran and Casa America Investments we finally were able to work with a technological supplier that fit jus well in our operative needs. Tecnoraid have been offering their general IT consultancy services and perimeter security with Fortinet, Switch Cisco, as well as the customized managing of our servers and links from and to Profit operative system. In addition to this, they are perfectly in control of our hosting and the maintenance of our webpages, thus they keep in touch with our marketing agency, guarantying total understanding.
Their professionalism outstands among several suppliers thanks to their response time and being committed to offer an honest and specialized technical service in searching of feasible and clear solutions.
Definitely, we greatly recommend Tecnoraid as consultancy company of products and services related to information technology, administrative software and hardware.
David Rodríguez
DMF GROUP Director

We are here to maintain, support and protect your technology platform no matter where you are.
where are we?
Calle Abraham Lincoln entre Calle Chacaíto y 3era Av. Edif. Unión, Piso 3, Ofic. 34 Caracas
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